



Using Brain Science for Business with Diana Lucaci


Motivating Consumers with Neuromarketing Insights

Diana Lucaci’s interest in learning how the brain works and what motivates people stems from her childhood in communist Romania. Growing up in a family of journalists, she saw first-hand how facts were distorted and information was manufactured yet believed to be true by many. As she got older, she became curious about why people do what they do and how ideas become internalized. She combined her passion for science and psychology with business to help pioneer the neuromarketing industry.

As the co-founder and CEO of True Impact, Diana uses brain science to help brands improve their products, marketing and the overall consumer experience. Traditional research can show what consumers say they think they would do, but scientific evidence proves what they will actually do in the moment. True Impact has taken the millions of attention and emotion data points they’ve collected and built predictive models to provide insight into what will gain consumer attention and drive action. The insights this data provides is invaluable, considering that research has found as much as 80% of media effectiveness relies on the creative.

We hope you find this episode as intriguing as we did, and it piques your interest in applying science to the art of advertising. Whether you’re in a B2C or B2B industry you’re still selling to humans. Humans driven by emotion. Understanding the factors behind things like motivation, comprehension, attention and memory and applying them to your marketing can help your brand connect and improve customer loyalty.

“Almost every study contains an a-ha moment. The first point is where we learn the difference between how people feel and what they say…there’s gaps.”

Diana Lucaci

About Diana Lucaci

Diana is the Co-founder and CEO of True Impact, a leading neuromarketing strategy and research firm. Using neuroscience research solutions, True Impact measures three key consumer metrics: engagement, attention and memory. This data provides a 360- degree view of the consumer that can be used to help predict behavior and aid in the creation of memorable user experiences to enhance marketing’s impact. Diana’s mission is to drive business growth through brain science. She’s helped a variety of companies build better brands including General Motors, Nissan Colgate-Palmolive, Costco and Miller Coors.

Educated in Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of Toronto, Diana brings a decade of experience in various marketing communication roles. She served as Chair of the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (2012-2018 term), is a board member of the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC), committee member of the Standards Council of Canada and winner of the Best-in-Class research award from the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA). Diana was also named Top 30 Under Thirty by Marketing Magazine in 2013.

Connect with Diana on LinkedIn and visit the True Impact website to learn more about her work and the benefits for marketers and UX designers.