In This Episode:
Looking at Marketing a Little Differently

Bob Hoffman is hilarious, quick-witted and passionate. And he joins us to talk about what he sees wrong in the advertising industry and his thoughts on how to fix it. Previously a teacher, he’s known for being direct and pulling no punches in his speaking engagements or books, and he brings that same energy to our chat. Bob knows the advertising craft at a deep level – including brand, digital and media and like many of us in the industry, has a lot of very different ideas on what marketing could and should be. But, unlike a lot of us, after retiring from his prior position, he has taken those ideas and gone big with them. He even recently spoke to members of the British Parliament on the subject of online tracking.

Tune in to find out why he thinks there’s a lot of stupidity in advertising and why reasonable regulations are a good thing. His take is incredibly unique and valuable in today’s ever-changing landscape of online and guerilla marketing, and we think you’ll find him as entertaining and thought-provoking as we do.

“There’s no facts. There’s no science. It’s all bullshit. It’s someone’s opinion.


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About Bob Hoffman

Against the Grain with Bob HoffmanBob is an author, speaker and partner in Type A Group, LLC, a marketing, advertising and media consultant company. He is the author of five Amazon #1 selling books about advertising. Because of his unique take on things, he is one of the most sought-after international speakers on advertising and marketing. His book “BadMen: How Advertising Went From A Minor Annoyance To A Major Menace” takes a hard, exposé-type look at data privacy practices and was selected “Best of Marketing 2017.” His “The Ad Contrarian”​ blog was named one of the world’s most influential advertising and marketing blogs by Business Insider. In 2012, Bob was selected “Ad Person of the Year”​ by the San Francisco Advertising Club. Bob has been the CEO of two independent agencies and the U.S. operation of an international agency and has served on the boards of the Advertising and Marketing International Network, the Foundation for Osteoporosis Research and Education and the PGA Foundation of Northern California. Find out more about Bob on his website or LinkedIn page.

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